So every day I have these ideas... every now and then I put them into action, and most of the time, they turn out pretty cool. I thought- wouldn't it be great if i could share some of these success stories (and sometimes failures) with some other people who were feeling crafty? Hence the blog. So what in particular will I be blogging about you ask? Well... my FAVORITE (yes- i use that word a lot... get used to it. its official- i'm the person on the planet with the most favorite things. sit down julie andrews! There's a new gal with a new list of favorites in the house..) anyways- where was I.. oh.. my favorite thing: bargain hunting.. getting the ultimate deal, making something you picked up at a garage sale look like a million bucks and - basically- creating something, (extraordinary) -out of nothing, (or perhaps the ordinary). Here is where you'll find my weekend warrior furniture revamps, latest garage sale finds, DIY craft projects, designer decorator duplications for a discount (say that ten times fast!) and a whole lotta other odds and ends to make you smile. oh- and feel free to make suggestions along the way! (I am new at this)
your friend, sarah
I am very interested in your ideas on how to spruce up every day finds, and how to DIM (design it myself) with your help.
ReplyDeleteDo you have any suggestions on how one could use old art supplies in a creative new way? i.e. paint brushes, colored pencils, etc.
I have many ideas! stay tuned! i'd say you should follow this blog- but it looks like you're already on the guest list! :)